Our Services

Purchase - Sale

You sell, we advertise it

You are looking for a property ? We take care of your request and offer you luxurious properties matching your expectations.
You sell your property? We advertise it, do visits, lead negotiations and stand with you until the signature.


You RENT, we control it

We communicate about your property’s availability on all social media and to our customers.
We do visits, check candidate files. We write the contract and are there at the signature and check-in.

Property management

we manage it

We pay attention to proper collection of rents and charges. We are the contact of your tenants if reparations are needed.

Concierge Service

We check it

We manage your property for administrative and technical parts when you are not here, and we are available during your stays for taxis and restaurants booking, cleaning and laundry services…

We are available to let you enjoy your stay serenely.

Our team of experts

Our reputation is the image of our services


property manager

Isabelle GIAMI

Real estate consultant

Advertising properties could be easy, but sell them is an art

J. Marciano
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